
Letters of Hope was founded in 2018, and aims to spread kindness, raise awareness and break the stigma around mental health through sending handwritten letters to those who are going through a tough time.

Through sending these letters, Letters of Hope shares helpful coping strategies, words of empowerment and connects those who are struggling with the support that could turn things around.

We truly believe in the importance of social connection, kindness and compassion as protective factors when it comes to mental health and wellbeing.

Our 2023 Impact

“Breaking the mental health stigma, one letter at a time.”

Our mission is to break the mental health stigma, one letter at a time, by:

  • Uplifting those who are going through a tough time with their mental health and are feeling isolated by trying to show them that there is good in the world

  • Connecting our letter recipients to helpful tools, resources and support in an effort to encourage help-seeking behaviours

  • Encouraging the public to foster social connection in their communities, and be kind to strangers, by reminding them that everyone is going through their own battle and we never know what is going on beneath the surface

  • Empowering people to speak up and share their own mental health stories in an effort to build mental health awareness within the community

  • Helping to promote help-seeking and early intervention through building community mental health awareness and education around vital protective factors including: social connection, kindness and compassion.


As seen on


Request a letter

If you are struggling with your mental health, going through a tough time, or simply need a pick-me-up, please request a handwritten letter by filling out our contact form.


 Meet Our Board


Our amazing volunteers


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